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Showing posts from 2017

How to make money as a blogger?

How do you start a blog?  🌟 Step 1. Define your Brand  Fine your niche  Discover What you enjoy doing Discover a major issue or problem affecting  Men Woman Youth Children  Target what is trendy Target a market  What you are passionate about  What people enjoy reading about  What people will pay you to blog about  Because it's something you will do consistently  Two ways Do What you love and what your clients love to read about. Step 2. Get your Startup tools 🌟 What you need to startup? 1. A phone or laptop  2. Internet connection  3. Create a blog page  4. Create an official Facebook, twitter and Instagram page  5. Customize gmail  6. Camera  7. Business card, sticker and branded T-shirt  8. Your advert price List 🌟 Step 3. Getting Started.  Create and brand your blog  There are three si...

Financial Success 10.

OK, Dear... Do you want to be rich financially, than you must read this, it's a conversation between a  Business Startup Coach ( C: ) Mike Ugedi  and his student  Ken ( S: ) who has a dreams of becoming financial free. Happy reading... C: This month I want you to do what you have not done before, I want you to expand your mind and capacity. S: Ok but how? C: Ask yourself questions you can't answer and seek for the knowledge, once you get it, take a step forward and do it. Example: Do a research on how to invest in the stock market? Or How to buy and sell land? Than you start looking for the answer, learn it and take action. Hope you understand? S: That requires huge capital isn't? C: Am just giving you an example,you can decide what you want to expand your mind on. S: Selling land and investing in the stock market is not done with peanuts Sir. C: Since you have talk about it, do a research on how to invest in the stock and buy land with small mon...


What is money? Money is not cash alone, money is the resources use for the exchange of value. Money is value. Money is a mindset It's not lack of cash that make people poor but lack of who you are and what you can do. What is Money Mindset? - Money is a mindset - What mindset do you have about money? - Money is like a rain, when it come, some use it instantly and some save it - Once you get money, think of ways to duplicate it. - Think of ways to use and Invest your money wisely. - Find out ways to do things creative and save money - Peer pressure can influence one to spend money wrongly - Financial Education is key - Every money that enter your hands, you can double it. - How many people reading this post are looking for money? How many people can double their money within a week here? - share with us ways you have use to duplicate your money? Up next: Form of Money?

Mike Ugedi Apologies to his readers

  I want to sincerely apologize for my absence all this time, I was going through a lot financially, I promise to keep posting no matter what.  Thanks you all for being there for me. 

Turn the Table Around

The Real Reason You Aren’t Successful… And How You Can Finally Turn The Tables. Let me ask you… Have you ever in your adult life looked in a mirror and thought, “Wow... I thought things would be different...I thought things would better by now?” If you have, then you’re not alone... But what if I told you there’s one thing - just ONE THING - that can make a shift so you can realize that this is the greatest time in history and in your life to prosper, make more money, and live abundantly… Who is Mike Ugedi? Mike Ugedi is the Lead Coach @ Soft Boss Company - a business startup and Coaching company Creative Director @ Soft Touch Media House - a business branding and promotion company President @ Empower Africa initiative - an NGO designed to inspire individuals to startup their own business. He is also a Business Startup Coach I Motivation Speaker I Creative Director @ HOEC I Business Developer I Change General I Growth ambassador and strategist I Personal finance I Soft Media Executive ...

Financial Success 8.

  Dear reader, Do you know why you are working as hard as you are? What that driving reason is behind everything you do? We call that reason your personal mission. A personal mission is something big and exciting that gives higher meaning and purpose to your life. You may have a noble cause for doing what you do or you may have a completely selfish reason, but being able to identify your "why" is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. If you look back at all the most influential people through history and study their actions, you should be able to easily identify their personal missions. For example, Oprah Winfrey’s mission is: “to be a teacher and to be known for inspiring her students to be more than they thought they could be.” This statement has led her to become a media mogul who has helped millions of people through her philanthropic efforts as well as educate the world by producing her own television network. Mother Teresa’s mission ...

Financial Success 7.

  What's Your Wealth Number? Using time, not money, to calculate how much you need to be financially free If you (or you and your partner/spouse) stopped working today, how long could you survive financially? That is a crucial question and one that most people will never calculate. This is why, when the unexpected happens—like a job layoff, an illness, or a divorce—so many people are not prepared. This is one reason why so many people are struggling in this economy. It’s at the time of the unexpected event that most people, for the first time, are forced to face the truth of where they are and how long they can survive financially. What do you need to live on? Most people calculate what they want and need in terms of money. “I need $1 million to live on for the rest of my life.” When you talk with financial planners, they talk to you about your nest egg, how much money you will have to set aside to retire. However, there is a better way to answer the question. Instea...


Happy New month from Mike Ugedi Blog, may the Grace of God that passes all understanding enable you to achieve two special goals this month in Jesus name. Discovery has shown that, to achieve more, you need to become more. *What this means : We need to grow in knowledge and capacity to getmore done Task of the month 1. Set a goal on How much you want to make this month of August and How? 2. Set a goal to impact your community, no matter how little it's. Together we can. God bless you - Mike Ugedi

Financial Success 6.

Discover The Only Wealth Creation Lesson Your Poor Dad & University Lecturers Never Taught You But Presently Destroying Your Financial Prosperity! Hi, Do you know that the number #1 Wealth Creation Lesson you were never told is: "DONT SELL TIME". This short phrase is the major difference between Billionaire and Poor businesses. Selling your time is hardwork but leveraging on time is smart work. Everything you do to make money that requires your 100% presence before you are paid is called "Selling Your Time For Money". Lets consider some cash studies to drive down my point home... Case Study #1: A Barber He charges me N500 per haircut. He opens 8am and closes 6pm, he complete each cut in 15min. 40 segments are found in 15min from 8-6pm. It means he cant cut more than 40 hair a day. That is N20,000 daily on a maximum level. The bottom line is you cant get rich from barbing. Case Study #2: A Banker, Lawyer, Doctor, Tailor, Make-up or Mechanic. If your b...

Financial Success 5

#Money Mistake 1: Never borrow money that accrues interest to start a business (except if you are paying for it through your salary); only borrow to grow your business. This is because business takes a long time to gain ground and begin making profit, yet most loans repayments have to be made within a month of taking the loan or even earlier. Therefore, never borrow money to start a business expecting that the business will generate income to pay back the borrowed money plus the interest. #Money Mistake 2: Never spend money you haven't received. Don't even promise someone money based on a promise you have from someone else. If someone tells you: "Ezra, come to my office tomorrow at 9am and pick #30K"don't go out to buy items on credit based on this promise, with the hope that you will pay off your creditor when the promised money comes; it may not come as promised and this will leave you in problems with your creditors. #Money Mistakes 3: If you want to save, wh...

Financial Success 4

MONEY: WHAT I WISH I KNEW 15 YEARS AGO I've wanted to do this for a while. Following the recent economic upheavals in our nation, many have desperately searched for ways to hammer. Some have been unfortunate victims of get-rich-quick schemes. I wish someone had told me fifteen years ago what I'm going to tell you now about money: 1. Money is seasonal. It comes and goes. This is not my first recession. I've worked for over fifteen years, so I've seen at least two major "recessions" in Nigeria; times when my clients tightened their belts, prices of basic goods & food skyrocketed and my standard of living plummeted. But the interesting thing is this - before the times of lack came, there was a period when money just seemed to flow. New jobs came, new ideas came and with them, a steady stream of income. It is what I did in those times of plenty (whether I invested or not) that determined how much I suffered during the bleak times. Pay attention to your...

Financial Success 3

MONEY: WHAT I WISH I KNEW 15 YEARS AGO I've wanted to do this for a while. Following the recent economic upheavals in our nation, many have desperately searched for ways to hammer. Some have been unfortunate victims of get-rich-quick schemes. I wish someone had told me fifteen years ago what I'm going to tell you now about money: 1. Money is seasonal. It comes and goes. This is not my first recession. I've worked for over fifteen years, so I've seen at least two major "recessions" in Nigeria; times when my clients tightened their belts, prices of basic goods & food skyrocketed and my standard of living plummeted. But the interesting thing is this - before the times of lack came, there was a period when money just seemed to flow. New jobs came, new ideas came and with them, a steady stream of income. It is what I did in those times of plenty (whether I invested or not) that determined how much I suffered during the bleak times. Pay attention to yo...

Financial Success 2.

  Topic: Money Mindset Prov.23:7 It is not wat u do dat makes u rich,but who u are,n who u are is a function of ur mindset. If you have question, click this link to ask John3:1 D way u think determine wat u attract. U can not pray to be rich. There is a connection btw ur money n ur mind. Luke4:18 The poor need to hear d gospel. Supply of money to u is determine by ur mindset. 4 Wrong Mindset About Money 1*It takes money to make money - No it take idea to make money...Gen.1:1 If you have a great idea, you will attract investors There are many investors looking for great ideas to invest on. 2*U cant be rich and be innocent or honest. Richest and Poverty is a tin of d mindset. If u are godly should be wealthy. - Psalm112:1-3,9. Money take up d nature of d owner. 3*Some pple are destiny to be rich n some poor. No it's not true. Great works are products of deep thinking. Prov.22:2 When you do nothing abou...

Financial Success 1.

  Why We Have The RICH & The POOR in our SOCIETY? Every being is created by one God Every being have equal eyes, hands, legs, ears, etc. Every being have brain Every being are equal in Creation Every being have pass through opportunities in life. The Troubling Question Why do people come to a point in life where they are separated in to two (The Rich and The Poor)? OPPORTUNITY IS THE FILTER The ones who embraced opportunity, no matter how tasking it is, followed bumper to bumper, never gave up even when they have reasons to, were consistent and committed, focused and determined THEY BECOME RICH Those who passes over opportunities repeatedly. THEY REMAIN POOR Nobody is born or delivered with millions of naira in hand. Even those born with golden, diamond, sapphire spoon, still comes to a point where opportunity speaks, either they remain wealthy or become poor. To get the solution keep read the next and the next!


I am very passionate about Entrepreneurship and raising entrepreneurial leaders that will transform their communities - Mike Ugedi  - Su ccess is define by two essential qualities; INTERNAL SUCCESS AND EXTERNAL SUCCESS - Man Look At The External But God Looks At The Internal – David as king story   True Success is who you are not what you have…  

Your Future ( Delay to Success )

Sometimes, we’re too close to the problem we're facing to even know there is one. That's why people will often choose to work with a coach. A coach can help you see what is going on in your world from a different point of view. And it’s this different point of view that can help expose blind spots which, left unnoticed, might destroy your best-laid plans. In my time as a coach, I’ve found three common blind spots that trip up new entrepreneurs time and time again. As you read, ask yourself how any one -- or all three -- of these blind spots might be keeping you from the success you deserve. Blind spot 1: Neglecting your sales skills This might not be a unique insight, but many entrepreneurs forget that if they don’t know how to sell, they won't make money. Some focus on the development and manufacturing of their product. Others pour money into marketing, and still others worry about looking "the part" of a successful entrepreneur. But, if you want to b...

Your Future (Build Capacity)

Proverb 24: 10 If I fall to pieces in crises, there wasn't much to YOU in the first instance " - the message It's not about the problem, yes it about you. Stop pointing finger, grow up and build capacity. The law of capacity state that You can't do what you don't have the capacity for. When nothing is happening be working on your self CapaCITY... Every CAPA will help you lead a CITY There is a capacity to manage money at every level - When you say you want 1 million, I ask you,  do you have the capacity to manage #500,000? There are two kinds of entrepreneurs 1. Credibility enable Entrepreneur ( one with track record) 2. Non credibility enable entrepreneur ( one without) Once you start your entrepreneurship journey start building track records. I ask you what do you have on your credibility report card? Mike work on your credibility and build it. Do you have track record? Have you served people before? Transfer of ability from father...

Your Future ( Entrepreneurship )

Entrepreneurship is the key to building a better future If you are not an entrepreneur you are committing a big sin - Prof. Pat Utomi ( Co-founder Lagos business school) Do you know that God is an first entrepreneur? I will prove it to you. Genesis 1:1-5 Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. 3-5God spoke: "Light!" And light appeared. God saw that light was good and separated light from dark. God named the light Day, he named the dark Night. It was evening, it was morning— Day One. The world was loaded with darkness ( problem) And God walk through the earth ( thinking and generating ideas to transform the world)  and God said let there be light ( Acting on His idea)  and there was light ( God idea became a reality) and God saw that it was good.  ( God business was good and begin to growth. ) God created the world and want us to be cool creators w...

Your Future (Money)

Speaking on Financial Success Guest what? Poverty is not a native of anybody, but a traveller that stays only where it is welcome - Bishop David Oyedepo *This got me thinking* If poverty don't have destination, how come we see it in the home of many Nigerians and African's? *The truth* You can't change your financial life until you change your financial mindset. To change your financial status requires application of some deep financial principles. I will be sharing with you this deep truth and financial principles that will change your financial status and make your life Beautiful. Mike Ugedi - Lead Coach Meet the Speaker === Am Mike Ugedi aka Mr. Soft The Lead. Coach and CEO Soft Boss company President Growth ambassadors initiative. I Graduate from Delsu 2010. When to l4l business school where I did a one year program on Entrepreneurship, Sales and Marketing. Have work with Citi Bank Manager as a Marketer I Started by Own Business a branding and ...