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Turn the Table Around

The Real Reason You Aren’t Successful… And How You Can Finally Turn The Tables.

Let me ask you… Have you ever in your adult life looked in a mirror and thought, “Wow... I thought things would be different...I thought things would better by now?”

If you have, then you’re not alone...

But what if I told you there’s one thing - just ONE THING - that can make a shift so you can realize that this is the greatest time in history and in your life to prosper, make more money, and live abundantly…

Who is Mike Ugedi?

Mike Ugedi is the Lead Coach @ Soft Boss Company
- a business startup and Coaching company
Creative Director @ Soft Touch Media House
- a business branding and promotion company
President @ Empower Africa initiative
- an NGO designed to inspire individuals to startup their own business.

He is also a
Business Startup Coach I Motivation Speaker I Creative Director @ HOEC I Business Developer I Change General I Growth ambassador and strategist I Personal finance I Soft Media Executive I Husband to Favour Ugedi I a Soft Dad I

About him?

Mike Ugedi build bridges between your present and your future.

He was born a problems solver and started solving problem at age of 8years.

He inspire and coach individual and organizations to refocus and achieve on their goals within the shortest time frame ( 90 days)

Mike Ugedi is the principal strategies, CEO at Soft Boss Company, MD at Soft touch Media house.

Mike Ugedi has a strong passion and hunger to inspire, motivate, help startup and mentor existing business owner to take steps and grow into Global impact organizations, which he does through coaching, training and inspirational speaking.

When Mike Ugedi speak on Entrepreneurship, he carry you alone and ensure you startup a business at the end of his class. He take the training a step forward to produce a business card for you via his Media Company - Mr. Friday Ovo

His personal creed is to inspire and work with individuals and businesses ( SME ) to achieve their desired goals within the shortest period of time.

You can reach him on
Facebook: mikeugedi
Twitter: @mikeugedi
Instagram: mikeugedi
Whatsapp: 08130147707

Few of Mike Ugedi clients

Lofty World Dynasty Global
House of Exploits Church
Irman Haber mall
Kilish Enterprise
Lazine Kiddies
Light Path laboratory
Seikiri and songs Ltd.
Anchor of hope church
GWT International
Cash flow network
Sir k Barbing salon
Foste Filling Station
West Island clothing
Cat walk clothing
Bb Salon n cosmetic
African afra Limited
Freedom Family Assembly

Here's How This Is Different & Why You Want This Book

Look. I know how it is. You’ve seen ads like mine before. And maybe you’re wondering, “is this really all that it’s cracked up to be?”

The answer is ... NO.

It's Even Better.

Here’s why:

This isn’t some “rah rah” Book where you get a bunch of hyped up “motivation” and then leave empty handed.

Heck - you’re already motivated! Otherwise, you wouldn’t be at this page!

Here’s Exactly What We’ll Be Doing

I don’t talk about this much but I had a rough time as a kid.

I was (and am) dyslexic. I never went to college. My parents were married nine times, I had to sleep in the bathroom of one of our houses for almost an entire year once ...and I could go on and on.

And for the longest time I thought that success just wasn’t for me. That it was for other people.

People who went to college. People who had good grades. People who came from the “right” family.

Maybe you’ve felt that way before too.

But then I started to study the habits of millionaires and I realized that they shared a few things in common. And that was a concoction of habits that created their own success formula.


So I studied them and I learned their formula. And I started to apply it.

...And the rest is history :-)


Once you have that, you’ll probably start looking at success and money in an entirely new light.

You may find yourself with more confidence, more clarity, and you may be able to act faster with less doubt, stress, or confusion.

And you’ll learn the TRUTH about money.

I’ll tell you now - but this will become crystal clear as you read.

Here it is.

The Truth About Money:


Here’s what I mean.

Do you know how many people in this country hope something will change, things will get better or new "extra" income will suddenly start flowing their way?

Well with the latest research saying over 50% of people "Hate their job" and the staggering amount of people stressed and worried over their finances I'd say the number is HUGE.

There are so many people walking around knowing they have more potential. Knowing they could skyrocket to the top, to their next level, if someone would simply give them the road map or the opportunity.

Well if YOU have that desire I've created the blueprint for massive success in your life.

But it only works if you Take Action..


Because knowledge without action is simply a dream.

In Millionaire Success Habits I deliver you both. The road map and the secrets that the most successful people in the world use to overcome what's in their way and achieve that next level of life.

Create Active Cash Flow

Once you get the formula and you see how to take control of your life and success, the next thing you’ll learn is how to create NEW active cash flow.

This is the money you get every day. It’s the money that you can use to replace a job, or add to your income. You can use it to buy a new car. Pay for college. Go on vacation. Anything you want. It’s yours.

And here’s the thing.

We’re literally living in what I believe to be the most prosperous times in history. (You’ll see why I say this in the Book).

Sure, you’re seeing “doom and gloom” on the news but there’s another side they’re NOT showing you.

There are NEW ways to create active cash flow that never before existed - and they can be started quickly ...without working your life away for years just hoping it’ll “finally work”.

So in the Book, you’re going to see the ONE THING that I’ve used to create more active cash flow than anything else.

And you’ll see exactly what it is and how it works when you read my book and attend your live bonus training this week.

But I’ll tell you something.

NONE OF IT WORKS without the next thing you’re getting, and that’s



May I ask you something?

How many times have you known exactly what to do ...and you’ve even wanted to do it ...but you just, well, didn’t?

Listen. I’ve done it too. We all have. We’ve all had an idea and we just put if off and didn’t follow through.

And the problem is that in so many cases, taking action and following through is the ONE THING that separates people who have massive success ...from those who don’t.

But I’ll give you a secret. The answer isn’t “more motivation”.

And it’s not some sort of “time management” program or anything else. And it’s certainly not a bigger “to do list”.

Instead it’s having a SYSTEM for making sure you stay focused and take action you can get what you really want, fast.

And when you get my book, you’re going to get the same system I use personally.

Think about this. My businesses and brands have literally done hundreds of millions of dollars in sales and I own over $20M of real estate..

I’m on the road A LOT.

But I still have time to coach little league baseball and I NEVER miss a game.

Is it because I’m better organized or smarter? Heck no! I barely finished high school! My secret is a simple SYSTEM for taking action and following through. And when you finally close the book after the last chapter, you’ll have it.

And once you have that, you’re ready for what might be the most important thing of all.

Something you can never lose, no matter what happens to the economy. No matter who’s in office. The ONE THING you can always depend on to get you what you want ...when you want it.

I’m talking about …


You already know this: We live in a NEW WORLD.

And it’s no longer a matter of who’s strongest, biggest, or fastest. And it no longer matters where you went to school (or if you went at all), who you know, or any of those old barriers that used to be in your way.

In today’s world, it’s all about this one question:

Do you have


For most people, the answer is “no”.

They never bother to find out what “money skills” are ...much less take the time to cultivate them.

But in this book, you’ll discover what I’ve found to be the highest paying skill in the world.

And before you try to guess what it is, I’ll tell you what it’s NOT.

It's not even a skill that involves handling money!

But this one skill. This SINGLE THING is entirely responsible for ALL of my success ...and it’s responsible for the success of every multi-millionaire I’ve met. Larry King, Richard, Branson, Tony Robbins name it. They’d all tell you the same thing. This is the ONE SKILL that’s truly made them the most.

And the good news is, they don’t teach it in college. Very few people even know about it very few people have it.

But it’s not difficult ...and it can be mastered at any age and I give you the recipe to follow so you can have this skill by the time you are done reading Millionaire Success Habits.

It’s truly staggering ...yet so few people master it (or even know about it!)

So as you can see, this is going to be MUCH MORE than you’re expecting.

I’m 110% positive you’re going to come away from reading this book saying "this was hands down the single BEST read I've ever had”. I know it!

So Here’s What To Do Next

Step 1: Go grab your copy of Millionaire Success Habits for free FREE before copies are gone (Or go to Amazon and pay $19.95)

Step 2: Immediately Listen your BONUS interview I did with Tony Robbins on Confidence

Step 3: Make sure to attend the special online training I'll be doing here in just a few days on the new way to wealth and why this area is exploding and perfect for a new side income..

Step 4: Be on the lookout for my book coming to you in the mail. Then Read and take action..

Step 5: Know that because you got my offer today we are going to provide 22 meals to those who need it through Feeding America.

Thanks so much for reading this LONG page and I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Dean Graziosi


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