OK, Dear...
Do you want to be rich financially, than you must read this, it's a conversation between a Business Startup Coach ( C: ) Mike Ugedi and his student Ken ( S: ) who has a dreams of becoming financial free.
Happy reading...
C: This month I want you to do what you have not done before, I want you to expand your mind and capacity.
S: Ok but how?
C: Ask yourself questions you can't answer and seek for the knowledge, once you get it, take a step forward and do it.
Example: Do a research on how to invest in the stock market? Or How to buy and sell land?
Than you start looking for the answer, learn it and take action. Hope you understand?
S: That requires huge capital isn't?
C: Am just giving you an example,you can decide what you want to expand your mind on.
S: Selling land and investing in the stock market is not done with peanuts Sir.
C: Since you have talk about it, do a research on how to invest in the stock and buy land with small money?
You can invest in the stock market and buy land without money, yes it's possible.
So do a research on how to invest in the stock market and buy land with small money and get back to me with your findings.
S: Really! Small money?
C: Yes
Take advantage of our one to one coaching on financial and business success or invite Mike Ugedi to speak
- Softugedi@gmail.com +23408130147707
S: Okay.
C: But you can just tell me exactly how it works and save me all those time doing research.
I know you have tried it too.
C: No, Doing the research have it own part to play
S: Ok trust, I will.
C: OK, let me ask you a question...
Can you make one million Naira b/w today and tomorrow?
S: No of course. Lol
C: OK, This is your current mind set.
S: Its a realistic mindset isn't?
C: I know.
It's time I give you some lessons on how the human Mindset works.
Lesson 1. To becoming financial Successful you have to expand your mind set. You need to think possibility Thoughts, not negative thoughts, What this means?
C: Our mindset is our beliefs system.
He say yes or no to things that want to enter our lives.
If an opportunity of #500 comes to you, your mind screen it base on your beliefs system or current mindset it's allow or refuse to allow it.
S: Ok
C: In your case, your mind will allow it, because you believe you can make #500 in two days.
But refuse to allow the 1million Naira opportunity to enter, because your beliefs system those not support it.
S: So are you saying I can make a million naira between today and tomorrow if I have that mindset?
C: Yes,you can, let me explain
Take advantage of our one to one coaching on financial and business success or invite Mike Ugedi to speak
- Softugedi@gmail.com +23408130147707
God who create the heavens and earth said all things are possible to him that believes.
Will He lie over such an important matters, I guest not.
S: Off course not. He said that.
C: Your life is where its his today, because of what you believe is possible and what you believe is not.
Remember God has given us the power to choose what we want... Matthew 7:7 seek and you will fine.
S: but we are surrounded by circumstances that we Dont have control over.
C: Circumstances we don't have control over... Ok
What about the ones you have control over?
S: Like?
C: I don't have control over the mark my lecturer will give to me but I have control over how I will prepare for the exams.
S: Off Course
C: I don't have control over what the outcome of the job interview will be but I have control over how I will prepare
For the job interview if I really want the Job.
I don't have control over the Nigeria Economy but I have control over how I use my small money ( I can either spend and start looking for another one or invest it to get more)
S: Yes that's true
Take advantage of our one to one coaching on financial and business success or invite Mike Ugedi to speak
- Softugedi@gmail.com +23408130147707
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