Topic: Money Mindset
It is not wat u do dat makes u rich,but who u are,n who u are is a function of ur mindset.
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D way u think determine wat u attract.
U can not pray to be rich.
There is a connection btw ur money n ur mind.
The poor need to hear d gospel.
Supply of money to u is determine by ur mindset.
4 Wrong Mindset About Money
1*It takes money to make money
- No it take idea to make money...Gen.1:1
If you have a great idea, you will attract investors
There are many investors looking for great ideas to invest on.
2*U cant be rich and be innocent or honest.
Richest and Poverty is a tin of d mindset.
If u are godly should be wealthy.
- Psalm112:1-3,9.
Money take up d nature of d owner.
3*Some pple are destiny to be rich n some poor.
No it's not true. Great works are products of deep thinking.
When you do nothing about something you nothing will happen to it. If you can control what you think, you can control how you live.
To achieve success you most be ready to pay the price
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4* I am poor blc of d presence of d enemies.
D death of ur enemies does not translate to ur wealth.
It is ur believe dat determine ur behaviour n what u become.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
It's what you believe, you will become.
Check and Change what you believe especially things and notions that are against your financial success.
I remember a pastor who celebrate lack and poverty as a proof of his righteousness in God.
See, my Dear, the truth is the more blessed you are financially, the easier it is serving God.
There are certain factors in your life that can effect your beliefs system, so guide what you hear,see and who you spend time with constantly.
Right MindSet about Money.
*Renew ur mindset,line up ur though with d word.
*Read books dat will make you richer e.g biography of successful people.
- Wen u fix ur mind rite, u start attracting wealth.
- you need to expand your capacity by reading and exposing your mind because whatever your belief system cannot accommodate, it will be difficult for you to experience.
*Associate urself with rich pple,to find out how dey think and change your thinking.
Who you associate with closely, will determine how far you will go in life. As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friends.
If you are in a circle where you are the richest or you are in the same financial status,, there is need to change that associations and get into some circle like shockerpreneurs where the genius in you can be challenged.
Have a mentor, Your mentor is not ur sponsor,dey r those dat help to stretch ur mind.
*Be careful who u take financial advice from, in fact do not take advice on finance from a poor man.
Enter into a circle of people that can inspire productivity, effectiveness and challenge your status quo.
Finally in order to become rich, you need Grace to walk with God and associate with the rich.
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