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Showing posts from July, 2017

Financial Success 6.

Discover The Only Wealth Creation Lesson Your Poor Dad & University Lecturers Never Taught You But Presently Destroying Your Financial Prosperity! Hi, Do you know that the number #1 Wealth Creation Lesson you were never told is: "DONT SELL TIME". This short phrase is the major difference between Billionaire and Poor businesses. Selling your time is hardwork but leveraging on time is smart work. Everything you do to make money that requires your 100% presence before you are paid is called "Selling Your Time For Money". Lets consider some cash studies to drive down my point home... Case Study #1: A Barber He charges me N500 per haircut. He opens 8am and closes 6pm, he complete each cut in 15min. 40 segments are found in 15min from 8-6pm. It means he cant cut more than 40 hair a day. That is N20,000 daily on a maximum level. The bottom line is you cant get rich from barbing. Case Study #2: A Banker, Lawyer, Doctor, Tailor, Make-up or Mechanic. If your b...

Financial Success 5

#Money Mistake 1: Never borrow money that accrues interest to start a business (except if you are paying for it through your salary); only borrow to grow your business. This is because business takes a long time to gain ground and begin making profit, yet most loans repayments have to be made within a month of taking the loan or even earlier. Therefore, never borrow money to start a business expecting that the business will generate income to pay back the borrowed money plus the interest. #Money Mistake 2: Never spend money you haven't received. Don't even promise someone money based on a promise you have from someone else. If someone tells you: "Ezra, come to my office tomorrow at 9am and pick #30K"don't go out to buy items on credit based on this promise, with the hope that you will pay off your creditor when the promised money comes; it may not come as promised and this will leave you in problems with your creditors. #Money Mistakes 3: If you want to save, wh...

Financial Success 4

MONEY: WHAT I WISH I KNEW 15 YEARS AGO I've wanted to do this for a while. Following the recent economic upheavals in our nation, many have desperately searched for ways to hammer. Some have been unfortunate victims of get-rich-quick schemes. I wish someone had told me fifteen years ago what I'm going to tell you now about money: 1. Money is seasonal. It comes and goes. This is not my first recession. I've worked for over fifteen years, so I've seen at least two major "recessions" in Nigeria; times when my clients tightened their belts, prices of basic goods & food skyrocketed and my standard of living plummeted. But the interesting thing is this - before the times of lack came, there was a period when money just seemed to flow. New jobs came, new ideas came and with them, a steady stream of income. It is what I did in those times of plenty (whether I invested or not) that determined how much I suffered during the bleak times. Pay attention to your...

Financial Success 3

MONEY: WHAT I WISH I KNEW 15 YEARS AGO I've wanted to do this for a while. Following the recent economic upheavals in our nation, many have desperately searched for ways to hammer. Some have been unfortunate victims of get-rich-quick schemes. I wish someone had told me fifteen years ago what I'm going to tell you now about money: 1. Money is seasonal. It comes and goes. This is not my first recession. I've worked for over fifteen years, so I've seen at least two major "recessions" in Nigeria; times when my clients tightened their belts, prices of basic goods & food skyrocketed and my standard of living plummeted. But the interesting thing is this - before the times of lack came, there was a period when money just seemed to flow. New jobs came, new ideas came and with them, a steady stream of income. It is what I did in those times of plenty (whether I invested or not) that determined how much I suffered during the bleak times. Pay attention to yo...

Financial Success 2.

  Topic: Money Mindset Prov.23:7 It is not wat u do dat makes u rich,but who u are,n who u are is a function of ur mindset. If you have question, click this link to ask John3:1 D way u think determine wat u attract. U can not pray to be rich. There is a connection btw ur money n ur mind. Luke4:18 The poor need to hear d gospel. Supply of money to u is determine by ur mindset. 4 Wrong Mindset About Money 1*It takes money to make money - No it take idea to make money...Gen.1:1 If you have a great idea, you will attract investors There are many investors looking for great ideas to invest on. 2*U cant be rich and be innocent or honest. Richest and Poverty is a tin of d mindset. If u are godly should be wealthy. - Psalm112:1-3,9. Money take up d nature of d owner. 3*Some pple are destiny to be rich n some poor. No it's not true. Great works are products of deep thinking. Prov.22:2 When you do nothing abou...

Financial Success 1.

  Why We Have The RICH & The POOR in our SOCIETY? Every being is created by one God Every being have equal eyes, hands, legs, ears, etc. Every being have brain Every being are equal in Creation Every being have pass through opportunities in life. The Troubling Question Why do people come to a point in life where they are separated in to two (The Rich and The Poor)? OPPORTUNITY IS THE FILTER The ones who embraced opportunity, no matter how tasking it is, followed bumper to bumper, never gave up even when they have reasons to, were consistent and committed, focused and determined THEY BECOME RICH Those who passes over opportunities repeatedly. THEY REMAIN POOR Nobody is born or delivered with millions of naira in hand. Even those born with golden, diamond, sapphire spoon, still comes to a point where opportunity speaks, either they remain wealthy or become poor. To get the solution keep read the next and the next!


I am very passionate about Entrepreneurship and raising entrepreneurial leaders that will transform their communities - Mike Ugedi  - Su ccess is define by two essential qualities; INTERNAL SUCCESS AND EXTERNAL SUCCESS - Man Look At The External But God Looks At The Internal – David as king story   True Success is who you are not what you have…  

Your Future ( Delay to Success )

Sometimes, we’re too close to the problem we're facing to even know there is one. That's why people will often choose to work with a coach. A coach can help you see what is going on in your world from a different point of view. And it’s this different point of view that can help expose blind spots which, left unnoticed, might destroy your best-laid plans. In my time as a coach, I’ve found three common blind spots that trip up new entrepreneurs time and time again. As you read, ask yourself how any one -- or all three -- of these blind spots might be keeping you from the success you deserve. Blind spot 1: Neglecting your sales skills This might not be a unique insight, but many entrepreneurs forget that if they don’t know how to sell, they won't make money. Some focus on the development and manufacturing of their product. Others pour money into marketing, and still others worry about looking "the part" of a successful entrepreneur. But, if you want to b...

Your Future (Build Capacity)

Proverb 24: 10 If I fall to pieces in crises, there wasn't much to YOU in the first instance " - the message It's not about the problem, yes it about you. Stop pointing finger, grow up and build capacity. The law of capacity state that You can't do what you don't have the capacity for. When nothing is happening be working on your self CapaCITY... Every CAPA will help you lead a CITY There is a capacity to manage money at every level - When you say you want 1 million, I ask you,  do you have the capacity to manage #500,000? There are two kinds of entrepreneurs 1. Credibility enable Entrepreneur ( one with track record) 2. Non credibility enable entrepreneur ( one without) Once you start your entrepreneurship journey start building track records. I ask you what do you have on your credibility report card? Mike work on your credibility and build it. Do you have track record? Have you served people before? Transfer of ability from father...

Your Future ( Entrepreneurship )

Entrepreneurship is the key to building a better future If you are not an entrepreneur you are committing a big sin - Prof. Pat Utomi ( Co-founder Lagos business school) Do you know that God is an first entrepreneur? I will prove it to you. Genesis 1:1-5 Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. 3-5God spoke: "Light!" And light appeared. God saw that light was good and separated light from dark. God named the light Day, he named the dark Night. It was evening, it was morning— Day One. The world was loaded with darkness ( problem) And God walk through the earth ( thinking and generating ideas to transform the world)  and God said let there be light ( Acting on His idea)  and there was light ( God idea became a reality) and God saw that it was good.  ( God business was good and begin to growth. ) God created the world and want us to be cool creators w...

Your Future (Money)

Speaking on Financial Success Guest what? Poverty is not a native of anybody, but a traveller that stays only where it is welcome - Bishop David Oyedepo *This got me thinking* If poverty don't have destination, how come we see it in the home of many Nigerians and African's? *The truth* You can't change your financial life until you change your financial mindset. To change your financial status requires application of some deep financial principles. I will be sharing with you this deep truth and financial principles that will change your financial status and make your life Beautiful. Mike Ugedi - Lead Coach Meet the Speaker === Am Mike Ugedi aka Mr. Soft The Lead. Coach and CEO Soft Boss company President Growth ambassadors initiative. I Graduate from Delsu 2010. When to l4l business school where I did a one year program on Entrepreneurship, Sales and Marketing. Have work with Citi Bank Manager as a Marketer I Started by Own Business a branding and ...

Your Future ( Attractiveness )

10. Steps to become an attractive person? - Have a healthy Self Esteem  1. 70% of your life is control by your self esteem. 2. Become a person of value 3. Relationship gives you value (you are a son of God, that's how valuable you are ) 4. It's not money or cloth that define your value 5. Fine who you are in God's word. 6. You are special, you have a purpose and assignment here on earth. 7. You are made by God, not in China, from God. 8. Imagine God send his son to die for you, that is how valuable you are. 9. You are god, you are christ. 10. Be a man or woman of confidence

Happy Sunday

Sunday Special

#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 15TH JULY. I affirm that the truths of God are unveiled to my spirit, and by them, I walk in the realms of glory. Life isn’t a mystery for me because the Holy Spirit teaches me all things. God has given me His Word, to show me how to run with patience the race that is set before me. My spirit is open to correction and I have a teachable spirit! My heart is full of joy, love, kindness, and compassion. I refuse to allow bitterness, anger, or strife to take root in me. I walk in love today and always, confident that no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. My gaze is on the Lord Jesus, and my energies are focused on fulfilling God’s plans and purpose for my life. I function from a vantage position of rest without struggles, worries, or anxieties over anything; knowing that Jesus did all that is necessary for me to have a great life. I live a life of glory, grace, favour, and expansion. Hallelujah! I refuse to compare myself with anyone else, but measure my suc...

Your Future ( Wake Up )

Wake Up from Your Sleep 1-2Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that. 6-7Don't let yourselves get taken in by religious smooth talk. God gets furious with people who are full of religious sales talk but want nothing to do with him. Don't even hang around people like that. 11-16Don't waste your time on useless work, mere busywork, the barren pursuits of darkness. Wake up from your sleep, Climb out of your coffins; Christ will show you the light! So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times! 17Don't live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants. *St...


If you work a full-time job, you see your coworkers, clients, and customers more than you see your family every week. In the end, jobs and people come and go, so do NOT take your family for granted. It’s important to cherish the time you have with your loved ones as much as possible. They should be a priority in your life. But creating and maintaining strong relationships, family or otherwise, is not always easy, which is why I've created this week's blog post... Start here if you want better relationships: do-this-if-you-want-better-relationships Here’s something else I want you to think about when it comes to making the best use of the time that you have. There are 4 rules of time:     Time is perishable - It cannot be saved, only spent. So the only thing you can do with it is spend it differently. Allocate some of that time to your loved ones.     Time is indispensable - Everything you decide to do, even looking out the window or sleeping in a few e...


REJECT PRIDE - Humility Is The Attitude For Greatness Truly rich and successful people are usually the expression of humility; they're often very humble. That's the reason God exalted them to high levels of success in the first place. That they've been successful is proof that they must have been humble, since God resists the proud and gives more grace to the humble. *Learn to be humble, for humility is the pathway to greatness. If you want the Lord to keep promoting and exalting you in life, then train yourself to be humble.* Good Morning From Mike Ugedi Lead Coach @ Soft Boss Company We are passionate about helping individual startup their own business.


• The future you don’t create , will create you.   • If you   fail to create the future you desire today , you will experience the one you don’t plan for. - JOIN MIKE ON THIS NEW JOURNEY TO BUILDING A BETTER FUTURE TITLE: YOUR FUTURE.

Who is an E?

                                An Entrepreneur is v Someone With The Capacity To Create A Product Or Service to mean the need of man kind. v Someone Who Sell value For Profit v There Is No Age Barrack For Entrepreneurship v Education Background, Gender Or Sex Is Not An Issue, Anybody Can Become An Entrepreneur v Entrepreneurship Is An Art, That Can Be Learned v You Can Learn The Principles And Qualities Of Becoming A Successful. v An Entrepreneur Is One That Solve Problem Using Creative Thinking .     

Monday Gift


If you can lead yourself and younger ones well, you can lead others as well. All goals and objectives are achievable with unwavering determination, resilience and persistence. However, determination, resilience and persistence, are all test of time. For we to be agents of transformation, we must be ready to sacrifices our time and enough of other valuable resource, together we can Everyone has the potential to be a leader, only few knows this and only a small amount of those few has answer the called to leadership.  A follower is not a leader, but a potential leader waiting to discover himself. A leader take the lead, he dose what is needful and others take the initiative and follow, one who give orders and stand aside is a supervisor and manager not excellent leader. A E- leader don't point at a problem, a leader take the lead, create initiative to solve the problem not complain about it. Leaders are builders, they work to make things better than they met it. E-L...

Sunday Gift

Your Mission Prt14. ( Take the Lead )

As an excellent leader, you need to possess these four capacity to be productive and effective to your world. 1. Exceptional Spiritual capacity -  ( the ability to know who you are in Christ and use it ) 2. Exceptional Leadership capacity. -  ( the skills to lead your self and others) 3. Exceptional financial capacity -  ( skill to make, mange and multiply money) - ( you need money 2 lead efficiently,2make things happen) 4. Exceptional relationship capacity - ( the skill to start, build and sustain relationship) It's on this note I humbly do justice to the question: Who is an excellent leader? An E-leader is one that lead via influence or example An E- leader is d one who does following. creates an inspiring vision of d future. Motivates and inspires people to be engaged in that vision. Everyone is a potential leader, if you lead yourself and younger ones you are a leader. Leadership is not determined by level of education,social status or age But note: no one will want t...

Powerful Charge

Your Mission Pet. 13 ( Work)

Work for the right Reason ================== Today, I encourage you to ask,“What does freedom mean for me?” Is it more time with your family? Is it the ability to travel around the world? Is it building a great business & helping others financially?  After years of continue hustling am not truly financial free? What is wrong? Answer: I have achieved all the goals I set out to achieve when I started my journey, the problem is ,I set my goals wrongly, I set small goals and achieve them. Example I set goal to go to school... I achieved it. I set a goal to start a business... I Achieved it I set goal to move to a big HOUSE... I Achieved it I set goal to become millionaire... I Achieved it I set goal to, get married...i Achieved it I set goal to have my office in my house... I Achieved it I set goal to make money daily.... I Achieved it I set goal to become a father before 35...soon to be Achieve I set to a goal to buy a car.... Soon to be achieved I set go...

YOUR MISSION Prt.12 ( Freedom )

What those freedom means to you? As a Nigerian, I fought to uphold the ideals of freedom, including Capitalism. And I’ve spent most of my life educating people how to become financially free, which I believe is the basis for almost all other freedoms. I believe freedom is definitely something to celebrate—and to fight for. Favour and I founded the Soft Boss Company because we believe in freedom and fighting for it. It is our belief that knowledge is the ultimate weapon in the battle for freedom—and financial knowledge, the knowledge most lacking around the world, is the most important part of its all. Today, I encourage you to ask, “What does freedom mean for me?” Is it more time with your family? Is it the ability to travel around the world? Is it building a great business and helping others financially? As financial problems grow for many Nigerians, people will be content to give governments more power and control—and more money from their paychecks....

coming soon

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