Your Mission Prt5.
To succeed in your Life's mission, you need to fine your purpose
- Living on purpose means living for God and His purpose.
To fine purpose, you need to know yourself, to know yourself, you need to study this scripture: Bible book of Genesis 1:26-28. We find these words there:
"Than God said, let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground. God blessed them and said to them, rule over every living creature".
In that statements lies the heart of the purpose for man's creation and the key to his nature. To understand yourself, you must understand the principles established in these words.
First, it is essential to note that God created us in HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS" these words connote His authority, His character and His moral and spiritual nature. God's nature is one of power and rulership.
Please Note
1. God created man to have dominion over the earth.
2. God gave dominion over the earth to both male and female.
3. He never gave man the authority to dominate one another.
4. He specified what they where to dominate "the earth and creation"
Finally we are created to dominate and lead not to be boss and dominated.
To have a clear understanding of your mission go through these questions...
Who you are?
- a simple but correct answer is, you are a "god", remember ya are gods and child of the most high God.
Where are you from?
- You are from God, let us make man in our own image and likeness. ( Genesis 1:26-28. )
Why are you here?
- To lead, let us make man in our own Image and Likeness and let than have dominion over everything on earth.
You where created to lead, God place a gift in you that the world need, when you discover, develop and refine it,you begin to lead your world. ( Genesis 1:26-28.)
How do i get Started?
- Discover your gifts,talent or your potential
- Develop it by reading, training, coaching and practice
- Service it by working for others for free or paid.
- Startup your own.
- Never give up
How do i grow, after startup?
- Learn how to lead and employ both money and people.
- You need knowledge, Principle, System and Discipline.
If you have an assignment that is not connected to your purpose, you will struggle because you lack resources from above.
To function effectively in your life mission, you need to understand yourself, your potential and your mission, you can start by paying attention to your...... To be continued.
Now that you know who you are and why you are here, make effort to discover your gift and start developing them.
You can ask me for help at
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