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Showing posts from June, 2017

Your Mission Prt8. ( Your Gift )

Your Mission Prt7. with Linda Ikeji and Mike Ugedi

Your Mission Prt6. with Linda Ikeji and Mike Ugedi

Next Level Secrets

 Your Mission Prt6.....Loading Mike Ugedi Present ✍🏾 Next Level Secrets Some people stay in their 9-to-5 job because they love what they do. But too many people stay in a job that doesn’t fulfill them because they mistakenly believe it means “security.” Well, I’m here to tell you that there’s no such thing as job security anymore. Few people work their entire career at the same company. And very often the job changes that move people from company to company are beyond their control. Layoffs, early buyouts, furloughs—all of these can feel like a gut punch to your life plans. So what’s the remedy for insecurity? Taking control of your life by running the company that pays your paycheck. If you have an idea, if you have a dream, if you want to put it into action—and you’re tired of being told what to do and want to take control of your life—starting your own business might be the best job security you can have. And this might be the moment to go for it. Do yo...

NEW Viewers Lead

Special thanks to my partner's, those who invites me to speak and my fans.

Your Mission Prt5.

Your Mission Prt5. To succeed in your Life's mission, you need to fine your purpose - Living on purpose means living for God and His purpose. To fine purpose, you need to know yourself, to know yourself, you need to study this scripture: Bible book of Genesis 1:26-28. We find these words there: "Than God said, let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground. God blessed them and said to them, rule over every living creature". In that statements lies the heart of the purpose for man's creation and the key to his nature. To understand yourself, you must understand the principles established in these words. First, it is essential to note that God created us in HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS" these words connote His authority, His character and His moral and spiritual nature. God's nature is one o...

Start Your Mission

Your Mission  prt5...still loading

What is your Mission?

Your Mission prt5 ....loading

Charge your Mission

Charge for your Mission Ask Your self this Questions... Have I decide to succeed or am still playing games with my life? Have I decide to say a thing and do it, no matter what I face? Who am i and why am I here? Am I saved?  Have salvation? What is my mission, have I started it? Have I define my life mission and create a plan to achieve it? Do I understand the important of me fulfilling my mission and what it's means to God, Me and the world? Am I learning new skills and seeking help to make progress? Am I leveraging with successful people to achieve my mission in life. Remember this as we embark on this journey to success:  Decision+ Big Dreams + clarity + planning + Education +  action +service + leverage + consistency is the key To have a balance life, we need to grow in our Personal life Spiritual life Financial life Relationship life Leadership life Legacy life

NEW Lead Again

  Thanks to all our viewers


With 115 United States became the new lead But the next day Nigeria take the lead back with same number of viewers... Wow Congrats and thanks to all our viewers.

your MISSION Prt4.

The three kinds of people.... Continue 3. People who know what they would like to do and do it. - the third kind of people know themselves, posses a strong sense of passion, are focused in purpose, grow in areas that help them move closer to their purpose and do what they were created to do. The word that best describes them is fulfilled. Most people don't know what they want to do, I believe the main reason is that they don't know themselves as well as they should and thus remain unfocused in their growth. The first step to self discovery is observation and awareness - Mike Ugedi Action time "picture where your life is right now. Now picture where you want to be next: richer, happier, leaders, thinner, you name it. I say it again the first step towards change is awereness. If you want to get from where you are to where you want to be, you have to start by becoming aware of who you are and the choices that lead you away from your desired destination. Become very consciou...

Your MISSION Prt3.

Do you have a sense of Direction? Any one who wants to grow but don't know himself will end up going through cycle in life says - John Maxwell To go forward in life, you must know yourself : your strength and weaknesses, your interests and opportunities. You must be able to gauge not only where you've been, but where you are now. Otherwise you can't set a course for where you want to go. To reach your full potential, you must know where you want to go and where you currently are. With both of those pieces of information you're liable to get lost. There are three kinds of people when it comes to having a sense of direction in life. 1 . People who don't know what they would like to do - these people are often confused. They lack a strong sense of purpose. They don't possess a sense of direction for their lives. If they are growing, they are unfocused about it they dabble. They drift. They can't reach their potential because they hav...

Your MISSION...Prt 2

There is one secret that is critical if you want to move from an ordinary level of success to an exponential level of success. It is one indispensable quality in the lives of all highly successful people on earth today. This quality is so essential that even God emphasized its necessity to all that desire to do His will in life.  But as important as it is, it remains a secret because not many people have mastered the art of using it to their advantage and this is  why many have not attained success while some have not been able to improve on their present level of success. Perhaps you are wondering what that secret is: it is observation! Friends, if you want to succeed greater, faster and better, then observation is the key. All great men are keen observers. Success will not be difficult if only you will learn to observe. Observant people pick lessons every where they go and from  whoever they come close to. Observation will help you to learn faster and grow wis...

Your MISSION... Part1


A big thanks to all our viewers, those who are sharing this blog and inviting others. Currently Nigeria is taking the lead with the highest viewers, followed by United States and Germany and others. 

Who is Mike Ugedi? by Soft Boss


Your MISSION A brand new series on Success from start to finish. Desire success? Here is your chance. The truth is,to achieve true success 1.You need to know who you are? (Self Discovery ) 2. You need to know how u Interact with people and things around you. (Self Awareness) 3. You need to know why you act the way you do ( Self Mystery ) 4. You need to Know your Gifts and Talents ( Your Value, Your Voice ) 5. You need to Accept, Develop and Engaged your Gift and Talents ( Personal Growth for startup ) 6. Don't despise your gift and pursue other People gifts ( Branding and Packaging ) 7. You need to Startup, add value to the world and be diligent. ( Entrepreneurship) The good news, you can learn it all here for free.  if you follow mike Ugedi a practical speaker at till the end. Or You can invite to speak Book one to one coaching section with me How to achieve this? Write me: Private chat me ...

THE JOURNEY... Part 6.

The Journey... Part 6. These are tough questions and the answers may not come easily or quickly. In fact, I found myself having to think and re-think my answers several times. This work is hard but necessary in order to really understanding yourself on a deeper level. While I can’t say that I now know everything about myself, answering these questions completely changed the negative internal dialogue that was limiting my ability to see myself as I exist today and the me that I can become in the future. But the biggest change came from revisiting dreams and aspirations that I had long ago put on the back burner while I was stuck in the process of “getting things done.” My dreams of writing about things that are truly meaningful to me, finding a fulfilling and passionate relationship, being more present with my children, and discovering a higher power are all coming true now that I am focusing my energy in the right direction—and that direction was to look within. So, find a...


  Mike Ugedi and Virgin CEO. The Journey... Part 4 Take it a step further and really consider dreams you had when you were younger or currently have about what will make you truly happy. The Journey...Part 5 5. If money were no object, how would you live your life differently? Many people equate happiness and success directly to the amount of money they have. How many times have you heard someone say, “If I hit the lottery, I’d…” But remember, this question isn’t really about money at all. It’s more about thinking outside the limits we tend to put on our aspirations and actions because things seem out of our reach financially. You may not be able to do those exact things, but once you know what those true desires are, you expand your thinking and begin to develop a plan to work towards goals you may have never imagined possible. Now answer this question If money were no object, how would you live your life differently? From 8am to 8pm? From Monday to Sunday?...


  Mike Ugedi and Linda ikeJi a Nigerian happy and billionaire blogger The Journey... Part 3 Make list of 50 things you love about your self. Keep add to this list daily,  you will be shocked, what you discover. Add things like past success, daily achievement, special moments and others u can come up with. The Journey.... Part 4. 4. What makes you genuinely happy? This one is closely related to your core personal values, your interest and personality, However, ask yourself this question once you’ve really nailed down what those values are and write 10 thing you are grateful for and 10 things that make you happy genuinely. For example, if family is one of your core personal values, will taking a job that involves tons of travel make you happy? Take it a step further and really consider dreams you had when you were younger or currently have about what will make you truly happy. Above all listen to your heart ♥, don't let life define you, you decide what truly...


THANK YOU OUR VIEWERS... We Achieve 1000 viewers on 20/6/2017


  Continue  from question 2. How would you describe yourself so that the person asking the question would truly understand who are and what is important to you? 3. What are your core personal values? Personal values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live. They give you a reference for what is good, beneficial, important, useful, desirable, and constructive. Once you are able to determine exactly what values are most important to you, you can better determine your priorities. In fact, having this information about yourself is the key to making sure your daily life is aligned with those values. If you need help defining your personal values, there is a great five-minute assessment tool here. Make list of 20 things you love about your self. Keep add to this list daily,  you will be shocked, what you discover. Add things like past success, daily achievement, special moments and others u can come up with.  Desiresuccess? Wonder how ...


Do you desire success? Ever Wonder how great people become Great? Wonder why many are struggling after school? Wonder why 1st class students are jobless? Here is your chance... The fact and truth is, to achieve true success 1.You need to know who you are? (Self Discovery ) 2. You need to know how u Interact with pple n things around u (Self Awareness) 3. You need to know why you act the way you do ( Self Mystery ) 4. You need to Know your Gifts and Talents ( Your Value, your Voice ) 5. Accept, Develop and Engaged your Gift and Talents ( Personal Growth) 6. Don't despise your gift and pursue other People gifts ( Packaging ) 7. You need Startup, add value to the world and be diligent. ( Entrepreneurship) The good news, you can learn it all here for free.  if you follow me at till the end. Or You can invite to speak Book one to one coaching section with me How to achieve this? Write me: Private chat me on whatsapp or call my ...

THE JOURNEY... part2

  If you are ready to begin the process of truly understanding who you are meant to be, start here: 1. What or who would you be if you knew you couldn’t fail? The risk of failure terrifies most people. How many times have you wanted to change jobs or careers, move to a new city, promote a cause that is important you, or become an expert in a certain area? Think about it. No risk of failure. If you were 100 percent certain that you could be or do anything you wanted and not fail, do you know the answer? 2. What is your ninety-second personal elevator speech? Probably the most important and poorly answered question in most job interviews, this is similar in nature. You can certainly include your career or career accomplishments in your personal speech, but think of this from the perspective of how you might answer this if you were making a new friend or going on a first date with someone. How would you describe yourself so that the person asking the question would truly und...



“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ~E.E. Cummings At twenty-five I was happily married and had a great career, many friends, and lots of money. During that time I also became deeply depressed, was put on medication for anxiety, and entered what would be a very long relationship with psychotherapy. It was a real struggle for me to understand why I wasn’t happy when I had everything that I thought was important in life. Was I selfish? Were my expectations too high? I honestly couldn’t understand what was missing and how to fill this huge void that gnawed at me every day. When I look back at my life, twenty years later, I realize that I really had no idea who I was or what made me happy. I kept expecting something or someone to answer this question for me. The journey to find out who I was and what really mattered to me eventually involved divorce, the loss of my career and most of my possessions, and overcoming a serious illness. It pretty much took...

Discover Who you are and why you are here?

Discover Who you are and why you are here?  The discovery of who you are and why you are here,  takes you to a whole new level in life.  You will start living and not existing.. An starting à New serise hère, that Will answer this questions Who am I ? Why am i hère ? What should i be doing ? How do i go about it ? And more Read All hère.



Get Closer

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Give Up



Nigeria, Germany,portugal,Belgium are sharing this blog and increasing the leads, but United States is till taking the lead, hope to see something new soon. Once again thanks for sharing with friends and family.


Quotes : Forget What

Thank You once again

United States is going higher and higher and Nigeria too,  want to say a big thank you.


NEW SERIES: Love who you are quotes

Now that you are beginning to know who you are, you need to move to the next step, love who you are. Be proud of who you are... You will get daily quotes to help you achieve this goal.  From Mike Ugedi. Am thinking about you.


Y You are Born Great, you are Born with a gift,you are on earth for a purpose, thats why you most discover who you are and why you are here.  Determine your personality type Are you Melancholy?  If you are an introvert and are more task oriented, you are a Melancholy. Melancholics are technique specialists. They are deep and thoughtful, they are the genius prone people. They are driven by a forceful work ethic,and play does not come naturally for them. They tend to be perfectionists and are very organised.  They are sensitive to others and are self sacrificing. They are faithful and devoted friends and have a deep concern for others. Melancholic Personality Traits – Patient, Orderly and Attentive Men and women with melancholic personality share many traits – they tend to be loyal to their family and friends and extremely careful. Respectability and moral issues are particularly important to them and they will often love to follow typical “norms” of society and famil...


Congrats to United States and Nigeria for taking the lead  of views it means you care about others and are sharing to others,  keep up the good work...i can't wait to see Germany, Belgium,  Poland, France and others take the lead. Once again a big thank you to all. 


Determine Your Personality 3 Are you Sanguine? If you are an extrovert and are more relationship oriented you are a Sanguine. Sanguines are social specialists. Sanguines are the ideal people person, because they love to be around people and talk to them. They are very impulsive people who love to socialize. They like to try new and different things. They like to live for the here and now they are friendly, giving, and easygoing. They are the life of the party and have a good sense of humor. They are very curious and never seem to grow up. They make friends easily, and are very fun to be around. Sanguine Personality Traits – the Boredom Busters laughing couple with guitarThe Sanguine personality is affected by chemical called dopamine, which makes these people intensely curious and creative. Their curiosity can be expressed in their love for reading and different kinds of knowledge and they usually possess high amounts of energy, so they may seem restless and spontaneous. The Luxuriou...


The True You  No.8 Are you Choleric? If you are an extrovert and more task oriented,you are a Choleric. Cholerics are control specialists. They are born leaders they are dynamic and active and have a compulsive need for change.They take pleasure in almost any kind of work because it involves activity. They desire to control and master everything they do.They are independent and seem to be able to run anything. They are usually right and excel in emergencies. Choleric Personality Choleric personality is associated with testosterone and although every temperamental makeup is represented by members of both sexes, most choleric people are men. Generally Cholerics are money-oriented people – they are fascinated by stocks, investments, money markets and all kinds of revenue generation methods, just like others are fascinated by art and poetry. These people are very practical and they make for naturally gifted businessmen. Constantly looking for opportunities and always working on them...

Another Big Thank You

United States is taking the lead... wow Once again I want to say a big thank you to United States, Germany, Nigeria, France,  Belgium, United Arab Emirates, Spain, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Ghana and others .