You do have to find “the one”...
And “the one” is YOU.
Now I’m not a psychologist, but I do know this:
The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have.
When you learn how to love and respect yourself, everything will fall into place.
You will see yourself in a whole new light.
You feel worthy of being with a woman.
And you will feel deserving of having the best life possible for you.
You will realize that you have a lot to live for.
So if you want to find “the one”, then you need to focus on YOU, not her.
How do you do that?
Great question.
The answer will be different for everyone.
The way you’re going to learn how to be happy is to experiment and try new things.
Take up meditating.
Go skydiving.
Keep a journal.
Travel to a new place.
Make a new best friend.
Approach more girls.
Learn how to cook.
Try waking up really early.
Or try sleeping in.
Try it all and see what happens.
Experimenting and taking action is the way.
Some things will be hard. Others will be easy.
Experimenting with the world that you've been given will help you learn things you’ve never known.
Feel things you’ve never felt.
Eventually, you will discover something so incredible that it will make life MORE worth living for.
Remember, it always is.
And it starts with you.
Talk soon
Thanks to trip.
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